Friday, July 14, 2006


On Wednesday, July 12 Bingo-boy previewed two songs written by Jamie Karen and himself. He met Jamie when she played the role of Linda Lovelace in a workshop production of his musical "Lovelace: The Musical" and discovered her great talent. Jamie and her husband Mark Deklin performed "It's A Good Thing" for both shows and Jamie soloed on "The First Time" for the second show. Bingo-boy and Jamie are now lining up offers for the songs and plan to run away with all the loot they make. Okay, Mark can come too.

Jamie Karen and Mark Deklin sang and called a few balls. This is one great looking couple, yes?

This guy really takes "O-68: You do me and I'll owe you one" seriously! You can find this shirt in the young mens department of Target.

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