This was a great year for Legendary Bingo. Going into our tenth year, we have raised almost 2 millon dollars for local and national organizations! And what fun we have had doing it. Each Wednesday night the bingo faithful gather at Hamburger Mary's in West Hollywood and try their best to win various prize packages whule trying not to get hit by the "pelts" and definately not having to reach into the "bag of crap." Here's a little look back-

One of the most amazing things about this weird little event is the amount of pretty cool celebrities who stop by to play bingo instead of going to one of their "Hollywood parties" or even a very cool nightclub. This year, we had "celebrity drop-by's" from the likes of MINNIE DRIVER, ROBBIE WILLIAMS (on a date with DITA VON TEESE!), DARYL HANNAH, SETH GREEN, AMBER TAMBLYN, JOY LAUREN (of "Desperate Housewives"), THOMAS DEKKER (of "Heroes" and the upcoming "Sarah Conner Chronicles"), DAVID ANDERS (of "Alias" and "Heroes"), JANE LYNCH, AHMET & DIVA ZAPPA and NATALIE MAINES of The Dixie Chicks (pictured above with Bingo-boy) I am sure there are more that I can't remember. Also famous celebrities' mothers seem to love us including the mothers of BRITTANY SNOW, MANDY MOORE and SHAWN PRYFOM (of "Desperate Housewives"). A bunch of "America's Next Top Model" gals are also in the house very frequently.

BRIDGETTE OF MADISON COUNTY became the resident bingo hostess in 2007 and turned bingo at Hamburger Mary's in to a through-the-roof wild and crazy- what the fuck is she saying now? evening not for the entire family. Bingo-boy and Bridgette were featured in the BRAVO reality show WELCOME TO THE PARKER with special guest MISS COCO PERU and yes, we became even more famous than we already were.

It's no surprise that we have had a buttload of Celebrity Ballcallers come on by to "call our balls" and this year we were honored to have LIZA SNYDER ("Yes, Dear"), ROSS THE INTERN, PETER PAIGE ("Queer As Folk"), JANE LYNCH, VARLA JEAN MERMAN, JUDY TENUTA, MISSI PYLE, PATRIKA DARBO, JERRI MANTHEY, DEBRA WILSON, SAM PANCAKE, REICHEN LEMKUHL, ELAINE HENDRIX, designer ANDREW CHRISTIAN, ALEC MAPA (so funny on Ugly Betty!), HONEY LABRADOR, JENNIFER WARREN, AMY HILL, JACK PLOTNICK, BETH GRANT, SAM LLOYD (of "Scrubs"), STELLA STEVENS, SHELLEY MORRISON (she was so great), JIM J. BULLOCK, JAI RODRIGUEZ, ESTELLE HARRIS (of "Seinfeld"), REX LEE ('Entourage"), TIA CARRERE, ERICA VITTANA PHILLIPS (so funny in "Superbad"!), WILSON CRUZ and of course our good friend and diva LISA ANN WALTERS (pictured with IAN ZIERING). Looking forward to even more celeb visits in 2008!

And finally, we had a new BINGO HOSTESS come up through the ranks and prove him/herself to be worthy of the very high standards of the Hamburger Mary's Bingo Freaks. FAMOUS BINGO HOSTESS WILLAM who has wowed audiences with his appearances on "Nip/Tuck," "Women's Murder Club" and many other shows now has a huge fan base at Hamburger Mary's and beyond and Bingo-boy couldn't be more proud. Bingo-boy and Willam were featured on the reality shows "Sunset Tan" and "L.A. Ink" and Willam is pictured with KAT VON D of the latter show. We look forward to more from Willam in 2008!
A very special THANK YOU to all of the Bingo Freaks from Bingo-boy, The Fabulous Belle Aire, Bridgette of Madison County and Willam as well as from all of our charities. You really have made a difference in the lives of others through your support of this event and we treasure you- each and every one of you. We look forward to a wonderful 2008 and wish you all prosperity, peace and most of all- that you are" on" each and every day of your lives.